After moving to Geelong from Nullawil – a farming community in the Mallee – at the tender age of 24, Regional Manager Simon Taylor’s career with Metricon got off to a flying start with his first home sale coming after just two days into his new role. It was an achievement that set the tone for a career of many highs and accomplishments for both our business and customers alike.
Now based in our brand-new office in Geelong, Simon has come a long way since the days of his first sale, working in a small office and a display home network of one. A born leader who’s rarely without a smile, Simon kindly took some time out of his busy day to answer a few questions while still buzzing from his 20-year milestone celebration with his beloved team and colleagues.

What do love about working for Metricon?
The myriad of opportunities that are afforded to you. You just need to grab them.
How have you seen the housing market evolve over the last 20 years?
The price growth, for one thing. Another aspect that continues to amaze me is the expectations around home size now, particularly for first home buyers – they often want a big house to start off with!
Favourite Metricon display home in the last 20 years and why?
The Panorama that I first worked out of, that was our first display in Geelong. The design raised the bar in our region.
What was the first Metricon home you sold?
The Panorama 27 with a Georgian facade.
Favourite role thus far at Metricon?
I’d have to say my current role as Regional Manager. It’s a great feeling influencing growth and profitability in a positive way. I love watching decisions I’ve made come to fruition. Also playing a hand in creating opportunities for our staff.
What makes West the best?
100% the team and their attitude. Our results aren’t too bad either!

What key trends and changes have you seen in Geelong property across the past 20 years?
The biggest change would have to be the lot sizes as land has become more expensive; a definite positive of that though is the smaller lots with a smaller price tag has meant that there have been options for first home buyers in particular.
Something that I believe Metricon has led the way in is facades. I remember the first display I worked out of delivered a coastal vibe and set a trend. Our customers loved it. As time has passed we, and the industry at large, have become more expressive and creative with our facades.
Some other trends have come and gone… home theatres were big in their day… indoor/outdoor living with the addition of the outdoor room followed and more recently the desk/home office space… certainly since Covid.
How have Geelong new home builds transformed over the last two decades?
Our designers have had to dig deep to find new ways to use space to perfection. One design that is a great example of this is a customer favourite the Amira 22. It’s got four bedrooms, two living rooms plus an outdoor room and study nook – it’s a real crowd pleaser.
If you drive around some of the estates, you’ll also see the change in the articulation of the facades and some side elevations of homes. Also, the use of alternate materials has really lifted the street appeal.
What type of investment has Metricon made in regional Studio Ms?
Our Studio Ms are a major part of our value proposition. When we opened our office in Geelong, our customers had to visit our Melbourne office to meet with our interior designers, which wasn’t ideal. It was important to us that we offered the full service to our local customers, which means showcasing the many products our loyal suppliers have to offer. So, a key part of our new office at Fyans Street, South Geelong was the establishment of a carefully designed and purpose-built Studio M inspiration and design centre.

What type of investment has Metricon made in regional display homes?
Similar to our Studios, it’s important that we offer our customers choice. All the way back in 2002, we started with one display and our network for our Regional West area has increased to over 18 across four of our brands. That brings a lot of choice. Having a large display network also gives us the opportunity to display many new designs and facades.
How much employment growth have you seen across regional in your time with Metricon?
This is the part that I am most proud of. 20 years ago, there was 5 or 6 of us which grew to approx. 20 when we opened our office. This has grown to over 120 currently. We have created opportunities for so many locals. It’s not just about our staff, we completed over 500 homes across Geelong, Ballarat & Warrnambool last year so that employs thousands of trades, contractors and suppliers.
Best place to grab a sandwich/pie/coffee/Caesar salad and steak in Geelong?
Best coffee is Bean & Base in Nth Geelong, which is near our old office. And I better say Routley’s for the Pie, given they are moving in downstairs of Metricon on Fyans.
Best advice to someone considering a Metricon home?
Why wouldn’t you?
“Simon’s 20-year ride with Metricon has been amazing. He’s amassed a great deal of experience in our sales, operations and building areas, giving him the ability to lead and encourage the Regional West team to success year after year. I have always been most impressed with the number of younger team members that have grown and flourished under Simon’s guidance and development. He also has a very confident and happy nature about him regardless of any challenging situation he is facing, and this rubs off on the rest of the West team. I’ve enjoyed every minute of our 20 years of working together and Metricon thanks Simon for his dedication and service.” Phil Barrett, General Manager, Regional Housing

Find out more about building your dream Metricon home in Geelong and surrounds here or visit our
award-winning Artisan 55 for yourself at 3 Dell Boulevard, Fyansford, open every day between 11.00am-5.00pm.